[NiFe] Group 2e-hydrogenase Putative

This entry was last updated at: Feb. 9, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Group [NiFe] Group 2: Alternative and sensory H2-uptake [NiFe] hydrogenases
Subgroup [NiFe] Group 2e: Metallosphaera-type
Function Undetermined role. Likely to mediate hydrogenotrophic respiration using O2 as a terminal electron acceptor. Route of electron transfer unresolved.
Activity H2-uptake (unidirectional)?
Oxygen tolerance O2-tolerant?
Localisation Cytosolic?
Ecosystem distribution Hydrothermal systems, other high temperature environments
Taxonomic distribution Exclusive to Crenarchaeota
Genetic Organisation

e.g. Metallosphaera sedula (WP_012020882.1):

Subunits 2?
Subunit description HysL (hydrogenase large subunit)
HysS (hydrogenase small subunit)
Catalytic site [NiFe]-centre
FeS clusters Proximal: 3Cys1Asn[4Fe4S]
Medial: 3Cys[3Fe4S]
Distal: 3Cys1Asp[4Fe4S] or 3Cys1Glu[4Fe4S]
Important Notes
This hydrogenase class has only been identified based on genomic predictions. Its presence is correlated with the ability of crenarchaeotes to sustain aerobic hydrogenotrophic growth. However, physiological, genetic, and biochemical studies are needed to confirm this and describes its properties.
Sequences in this class
NCBI AccessionOrganismHydrogenase ClassPhylumOrderActivity (Predicted)Oxygen Tolerance (Predicted)Subunits (Predicted)Metal Centres (Predicted)Accessory Subunits (Predicted)
WP_012020882.1Metallosphaera sedula[NiFe] Group 2eCrenarchaeotaSulfolobalesAnaerobic UptakeUnknown2[NiFe]-centre, 2 x [4Fe4S] clusters, 1 x [3Fe4S] clusterNone
WP_009070398.1Metallosphaera yellowstonensis[NiFe] Group 2eCrenarchaeotaSulfolobalesAnaerobic UptakeUnknown2[NiFe]-centre, 2 x [4Fe4S] clusters, 1 x [3Fe4S] clusterNone
WP_016729728.1Sulfolobus islandicus[NiFe] Group 2eCrenarchaeotaSulfolobalesAnaerobic UptakeUnknown2[NiFe]-centre, 2 x [4Fe4S] clusters, 1 x [3Fe4S] clusterNone
WP_048100359.1Acidianus copahuensis[NiFe] Group 2eCrenarchaeotaSulfolobalesAerobic UptakeTolerant2[NiFe]-centre, 2 x [4Fe4S] clusters, 1 x [3Fe4S] clusterNone


