[NiFe] Group 1j-hydrogenase

This entry was last updated at: Feb. 9, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

Group [NiFe] Group 1: Respiratory H2-uptake [NiFe] hydrogenases
Subgroup [NiFe] Group 1j: Archaeoglobi-type
Function Hydrogenotrophic respiration using sulfate, iron, or nitrate as terminal electron acceptors. Enzyme transfers H2-liberated electrons through cyt b and quinone to terminal reductase.
Activity H2-uptake (unidirectional)
Oxygen tolerance O2-sensitive
Localisation Membrane-bound
Ecosystem distribution Hydrothermal systems, other high temperature environments
Taxonomic distribution Exclusive to Euryarchaeota of the order Archaeoglobales
Genetic Organisation

e.g. Archaeoglobus fulgidus (WP_010878877.1):

Subunits 3?
Subunit description VhzA (hydrogenase large subunit)
VhzG (hydrogenase small subunit)
VhzC (cytochrome b subunit)
Catalytic site NiFe]-centre
FeS clusters Proximal: 4Cys[4Fe4S]
Medial: 4Cys[4Fe4S]
Distal: 3Cys1Asp[4Fe4S] or 3Cys1Asn[4Fe4S]
Important Notes
This hydrogenase class has yet to be studied genetically or biochemically. Its properties are inferred from genomic predictions and systematic bacteriology studies.
Sequences in this class
NCBI AccessionOrganismHydrogenase ClassPhylumOrderActivity (Predicted)Oxygen Tolerance (Predicted)Subunits (Predicted)Metal Centres (Predicted)Accessory Subunits (Predicted)
WP_010878877.1Archaeoglobus fulgidus[NiFe] Group 1jEuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobalesAnaerobic UptakeSensitive3[NiFe]-centre, 3 x [4Fe4S] clustersCytochrome b
WP_012940402.1Archaeoglobus profundus[NiFe] Group 1jEuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobalesAnaerobic UptakeSensitive3[NiFe]-centre, 3 x [4Fe4S] clustersCytochrome b
WP_015591799.1Archaeoglobus sulfaticallidus[NiFe] Group 1jEuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobalesAnaerobic UptakeSensitive3[NiFe]-centre, 3 x [4Fe4S] clustersCytochrome b
WP_013682857.1Archaeoglobus veneficus[NiFe] Group 1jEuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobalesAnaerobic UptakeSensitive3[NiFe]-centre, 3 x [4Fe4S] clustersCytochrome b
WP_012965344.1Ferroglobus placidus[NiFe] Group 1jEuryarchaeotaArchaeoglobalesAnaerobic UptakeSensitive3[NiFe]-centre, 3 x [4Fe4S] clustersCytochrome b


